Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Divine Nature # 1

Today I am working on Divine Nature #1. I love this value. I love being reminded that I am a Daughter of God. Sometimes I think we hear that phrase so much that the grandeur of it is diminished. But if you really stop and think about what that means, it's rather incredible. God is our Father, and we are his literal daughters. Mind. Blown!

Ok. I have read the scriptures listed in Divine Nature #1 and am asked to list the divine qualities listed, in my own words. Somethings that stuck out to me while reading were:

-"Being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times". Not just sometimes. Not just when it's convenient. A daughter of God keeps the commandments at all times

-A daughter of God asks for "whatsoever things [she stands] in need, both spiritual and temporal". Sometimes I feel inadequate to ask Heavenly Father for things. I know that he has millions of children to care for, so who am I to make some silly request of him? But that's not the way it is. I think about my earthly father, and how he would love to help me with a problem. In fact, it would probably hurt him if he knew I was struggling with something and felt ashamed to ask him for help. I'm sure our Heavenly Father is just as eager to help us if we only ask. We are his daughters, and we are worthy of his help, and we are worth it to him. 

-We are to return thanks to God for whatever we receive. I think sometimes we forget this step. We are all so truly blessed. I know sometimes I forget to thank him for the abundant amount of blessings he pours upon me!

-We are to have charity, faith, and virtuous thoughts, knowledge, temperance, and brotherly kindness.

I can develop these qualities by spending more time on my knees in sincere prayer instead of just going through the motions. I can express my gratitude to Heavenly Father by noticing the small things that I'm blessed with daily. I can exercise patience with my family and those around me. I can practice brotherly kindness by not only being a good friend, but thinking kind things about others. 

I challenge you to complete Divine Nature # 1 with me, and think of other ways you can develop your divine qualities.

-Sister Stephenson

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